footbal vegetative training

The human basic position. The disturbed regions in the vegetative system get activated. (for instance, increased swallowing, ticks, blushing, muscular spasms, trembling etc.) These vegetative reactions are unconscious.


Human physiological adaptation systems (vegetative system)

Vegetative functions (autonomic) are those organismic processes most directly concerned with maintaining life. This category encompasses nutritional, metabolic, and endocrine functions, including eating, sleeping, breathing, range of social behaviour, menstruation, bowel function, bladder activity, and sexual vitality. (ANS, Immune and hormonal system)

The approach can be considered as a holistic, almost monoistic approach in understanding the human organism and looks at all the manifestations of the organism as an expression of aspects of the same whole. Central to this whole is the functionality, of the vegetative functions, which is seen as one of the pillars of the organism’s adaptation, and will determine how the organism is able to utilize its growth and self-regulation potential.

All disorders – mental or body- are also disorders in the vegetative system. These disorders are essentially contradictions in the vegetative system, which could not be resolved in a satisfactory way for the individual. Any mental phenomenon has its physical body correlate (answer).

The function of the vegetative system is based on the assimilation of contradictions. Disorders in the vegetative system are unresolved contradictions in the same system.

These differences in the vegetative system are reflected in the organism. When the vegetative system is precluded optimal function through this contradiction, this will penetrate the organism’s organizations at all levels.

The vegetative system is in a dialectical relation to the entire organism, even to itself. This means that vegetative contradiction is mirrored in the whole organism and characterized partly by the organism’s own compensations to these contradictions seen organismic, but also by the vegetative system’s compensatory measures.

By any mental or somatic disorders in the organism, the restoration of normal vegetative functions will lead to the optimization of the specific organism’s functionality.

The healing power of the organism springs out from the vegetative system and works through this system on all other biochemical, physiological, somatic, emotional, biomechanical and cognitive processes/functions.

Change happens centrally and spreads peripherally in the organism.

 method is an incredibly powerful way of putting the
homeostasis of an organism in movement to support an

in-depth transformation of its dynamic. One session for about 45-60 min.

Vegetative training targets the imperfect/lacking contact with primary and spontaneous biologically determined movements that characterize the organism. These contacts may be more or less disturbed, but it is always disturbed.


A need for a functional Theory.  –

Live nature interacting with nature – A form of appearance in nature – link

All living organisms are involved in an open dialogue with the universe, a constant exchange of information and influence that binds all life together into one large organism. This large organism is itself part of a dynamic structure. There is a fundamental similarity in structure and function that binds all life together. Human beings, despite their particularities, are part of this whole. Similarity creates a difference.

What does it mean that your genetic code is as old as life itself?

What does it mean that the substances in your body are now as old as the universe and that you are composed of the same stuff that everything that has ever existed on earth has been composed of?

Everything is connected in a dialectical unity, and this is the very foundation of all living things. The whole universe. This means that if there is to be great order, there must also be significant disorder. This means that the natural state of matter is chaos and that everything is random. From this, it means that nature really seeks great order and that nothing is random, and that any event that is considered random is necessary for order to occur. (kjell standal)

inge jarl clausen